Computer Programming, Humanities, Music
<3 TØUCH > is an art-technology-philosophy symposium having its chair in cyberpunk Paris
<3 TØUCH > is a mixture of electro music, high level aesthetic, feminine vibe, cutting-edge science, ethical programming and sophisticated hacktivism
<3 TØUCH > symposium will mix music, talks and digital art to set the tracks for interdisciplinary critical and creative debates in order to educate, inform and prevent
Streaming on Twitch for interdisciplinary creative debates on your screen 3rd
Mission statement:
Our digital and IoT world is a sampling society.
Looping fragments of data here and there to feed computerized technologies.
On December 3rd, 2020 let’s discuss how to program creative ethical codes.
Steven M. Bellovin
Steven M. Bellovin is the Percy K. and Vida L. W. Hudson Professor of [...]
Joe Grand
Joe Grand, also known as Kingpin, is a computer engineer, hardware [...]
Claire Katz
Claire Katz is the Murray and Celeste Fasken Chair in Distinguished [...]
Haroon Meer
Haroon Meer is the founder of Thinkst, the company behind the [...]
Mark Miller
Mark Miller Ph.D. is a researcher at the University of Sussex, and a [...]
Katie Moussouris
As a computer hacker with more than 20 years of professional [...]
Wendy Nather
Wendy Nather leads the Advisory CISO team at Duo Security [...]
Charles Shirer
Charles(bsdbandit) is a Penetration Tester / RedTeamer He has 17 years of [...]
Jung Seung
Seung Jung is a Korean artist who graduated from Art School in 2006 [...]
Justin Weinberg
Justin Weinberg is associate professor of philosophy at the University of South Carolina [...]
Sophie Viger
Sophie is the managing director of 42 computer programming [...]
Su-en (Suze) Williams
Su-en (Suze) Williams is an ambassador for youth and [...]
Paris | New York | Austin | San Francisco | Seoul | ||
Keynote 01 | 14:00 14:21 | 08:00 am 08:21 am | 06:00 am 06:21 am | 04:00 am 04:21am | 22:00 22:21 | Seung JungDigital and Tech ArtistData Refraction as Art |
Keynote 02 | 14:42 15:02 | 08:42 am 09:02 am | 06:42 am 07:02 am | 05:42 am 06:02 am | 23:42 00:02 | Sophie VigerManaging Director at 42What is 42 computer programming school? |
Keynote 03 | 15:21 15:42 | 09:21 am 09:42 am | 08:21 am 08:42 am | 06:21 am 06:42 am | 00:21 00:42 | Haroon MeerThinkst FounderA Hacker from South Africa |
Panel 01 | 16:00 17:00 | 10:00 am 11:00 am | 09:00 am 10:00 am | 07:00 am 08:00 am | 01:00 02:00 | Steven M. BellovinProfessor of Computer Science at Columbia UniversityAI, Crypto, Law Mark D. MillerPhilosopher and Researcher at University of SussexThe Value of Uncertainty Dialogue on AI ethics |
Keynote 04 | 17:00 17:15 | 11:00 am 11:15 am | 10:00 am 10:15 am | 08:00 am 08:15 am | 02:00 02:15 | Su-en (Suze) WilliamsAmbassador for youth and females in STEM and Cyber SecurityCyber Cinderella Story |
Keynote 05 | 17:21 17:42 | 11:21 am 11:42 am | 10:21 am 10:42 am | 08:21 am 08:42 am | 02:21 02:42 | Katie MoussourisLuta Security CEO & FounderBeing a Female Hacker and an Entrepreneur? Yes We Can |
Panel 02 | 18:00 19:00 | 12:00 pm 01:00 pm | 11:00 am 12:00 pm | 09:00 am 10:00 am | 03:00 04:00 | Wendy NatherCISO Team Leader at Duo Security (CISCO)Democratizing Information Security Claire KatzProfessor of Philosophy at Texas A&M UniversityTechnology, Surveillance and Resisting Social Control Dialogue on Cybersecurity Ethics |
CANCEL | CANCEL | CANCEL | CANCEL | CANCEL | CANCEL | Charles Shirer "bdsbandit"HackerLift Up Your Mood! Yip Yip! |
Panel 03 | 20:00 21:00 | 2:00 pm 3:00 pm | 1:00 pm 2:00 pm | 11:00 am 12:00 pm | 05:00 06:00 | Joe Grand "Kingpin"Grand Idea Studio Founder, L0pht Hardware Hacker, TV Host...And Hardware For All Justin WeinbergAssociate Professor of Philosophy at University of South Carolina, Daily Nous EditorHacking Emotions and Crashing Ethics Dialogue on the Necessity of Creativity |